Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Here is Easton and Addison taking a bath together. I thought this was funny because I put Easton in the bath as Addi was leaving, but as soon she saw Easton in the bath she was begging her mom to let her take a bath with Easton. Easton of course splashed and splashed to the point addi was ready to get out!


Adrie said...

They are both, so cute!

Johnsons said...

OK, I can't believe how much he has grown up since I last saw him. He is so cute. He could not look more like Chris if he tried. I miss you, and I hope that things are going well.

Jessica said...

How cute. I don't know if you'll even see this since you never up date your blog, but we just wanted to invite you to our sealing on Sat. Butch has all the details. If you can make it we'll love to see you, if not we totally understand.

Unknown said...

Yeah for the update!!! That was fun until Addi got a tiny little splash of water on her face and then freaked out!

Amanda and Jeff said...

Heather you suck almost as bad as I do as blogging.
But I wont be sucking anymore. I set up a new blog account because I forgot my password to my last blog.