Monday, November 5, 2007

Well here is another attempt at blogging. It's been so long since our last one, I had to keep asking Riley my brother- in- law how to do it. Easton is so much fun. He is crawling so fast and getting into everything. He loves to play with trucks and cars. I don't know how little boys know what toys are gender specific, but we are just thankful he is not playing with dolls. He now says Da Da, and he can clap and wave bye bye. No one believes us that he can clap or wave because he has stage fright. Every time we want to show other people what he can do, he just puts his head on our shoulders and stares like we don't know what we are talking about. Then as soon as the people start to walk away after 5 mins of trying, then he waves or claps- But I swear it can do it. I'll record it and post it on our next blog.



Heather, I can't wait to show Dave your family! I love it that we can connect like this. I had no idea that you had a little boy. Easton is so adorable. My little girl is just a little older than he already spoken for? =) Please keep blogging so I can check in on your family.